Hello Gabbz here...
Sorry it took so long to post. Sometimes I can't use the computer as often as I would like to :( But I will try my hardest to get back into the groove :)
So, the other day I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some items and of course I had to venture on into the beauty department. Then I remembered about Hard Candy's polish in
(that I have been looking for off and on for months). YES!!! lol They finally had it and I got the last one. Don't you just hate that? When your on the hunt it's never to be found but when you aren't looking or don't need it you find it..UUUGH!!
Excited over my find, I headed home and swatched polish on nail wheel and went to sleep. I woke up and started to think that I might already have a color like this. I looked on my other nail wheels and sure enough,
Orly's Space Cadet
looks exactly like Beetle.
In person, it's hard to really tell which is which. I wore both polishes on different nails and asked some co-workers if they could tell the difference and no one could tell. However, there are slight differences, but I'll l you be the judge.
Let's get to it..... First up is Hard Candy Beetle
Beetle oustide in the Sun
In the Shade you can really see purple and green
In this angle you can see more of the green
Yes it came with this cute ring
You can see the purple and green aswell as
orange and some red shimmer
Now for Orly Space Cadet.....
2 coats of Orly Space Cadet under
China Glaze base coat
Inside w/flash
Space Cadet in the sun
In the shade you see more purple on the nail
than any of the other colors

I love this angle becuse you really see the green

Here you can see green and purple shimmer
aswell as some orange too

You can really see all the colors here purple, green,
red and orange
Here you can see both Beetle and Space Cadet side by side.......
2 coats of Beetle (Index & Ring) Space Cadet (Middle & Pinky)
under China Glaze base coat and
1 coat
Seche Vite Top Coat

Here they are both in the sun
Here's Beetle (left) & Space Cadet (right) in shade
Beetle (left) and Space Cadet (right) in the sun
I love these kind of polishes. They are very pretty and unique. They instantly remind me of this car I saw many many years ago. It belonged to a car club and it's body was painted with this chameleon paint. I was crazy enough to think one day I would have a car that same color. Then I was told what it would cost to paint a car that color and gave up on that idea really quick lol. I guess these polishes will do for now lol.
Back to the polishes lol. I think they look exactly the same on the nail and you can only tell the difference between the two in the sun. They both have a blue green base with purple, green, red, and orange micro shimmer. You can clearly see that in the sunlight pictures that Beetle was more opaque than Space Cadet. Another thing, Space Cadet was very runny compared to Beetle. I also find that Beetle comes off more purple in the pictures compared to Space Cadet. A big factor that comes to play is price. I purchased Beetle at Wal-mart for $4 (I guess it was on sale because they're regularly $5). I purchased Space Cadet for $10 at ULTA. I think the reason Space Cadet was pricey was becuase it was a limited edition color that was part of
the Cosmic FX collection that I think came out at the end of last year (2010). Although Space Cadet has been out since last year, you might be able to get it at an ULTA store. I did check as I typed this and ULTA.com has it available.
What do you think? Are you a fan of these unique chameleon polishes? Which of the two is your favorite and why? Leave your comments below.